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Balgrist Association

The Balgrist Association has been in existence since 1909 and operates the Balgrist University Hospital. The Association’s purpose is to promote the health of people with conditions affecting the musculoskeletal system. Working in cooperation with the University of Zürich and other scientific institutes, the Association also encourages research and teaching on the musculoskeletal system.

Sponsors & donors

Thanks to your donations, the Balgrist University Hospital is there to help. As in the past, there are still people for whom an illness or accident causes great financial hardship.

The loss of his job for a bread-winning father, the illness of a mother with young children, or the severe disease or disability of a child can create a huge financial burden. At the Balgrist University Hospital, we are lucky to have our own patient funds that we can use to offer uncomplicated direct help to many patients and their relatives.

Donations to the Balgrist Association are tax-deductible in most cantons. Donations to: Balgrist account 80-2094-1
Donations to: Balgrist account 80-2094-1


Balgrist University Hospital
Forchstrasse 340
8008 Zurich


Executive Committee

Rita Fuhrer
Rita Fuhrer
Chair of the Board
Robert Zingg
Robert Zingg
Vice President, Entrepreneur
Daniela Decurtins
Daniela Decurtins
lic. phil. I, EMBA HSG, CEO
Ulrich J. Looser
Ulrich J. Looser
dipl. Phys. ETH and lic. oec. HSG
Ursula Gross Leemann
Ursula Gross Leemann
lic. iur, attorney at law
Roman Boutellier
Roman Boutellier
Prof. Em. Dr.
Andres Türler
Andres Türler
lic. iur. Mediator SDM-FSM
Jürg Stahl
Jürg Stahl
Chemist HF

Advisory Vote

Mazda Farshad, MPH
Prof. Dr. med. Mazda Farshad, MPH
Medical Director and Director Spine Center
Thomas Huggler
Thomas Huggler
Managing Director
