Your discharge after an inpatient stay
In principle, you can go home as soon as your recovery permits. Following consultation with the physician and nursing staff in charge, discharge usually takes place by 9:30 am.
As soon as the definite date and time for your discharge has been established, we would be happy to help organise your journey home (transport, taxi etc.). Just ask a qualified person on the station or approach our reception desk.
Planning and organisation of your discharge
As a rule planning your discharge already commences before you have been admitted. During the preliminary examination the care team starts organising your discharge to ensure optimal and long-term recovery and, together with you, clarifies your needs for assistance once you are at home. The aim is to return you to your familiar surroundings as quickly as possible.
Our nursing staff will be happy to assist you in preparing and organising your discharge. Don’t hesitate, during the discharge interview, to clarify any unanswered questions regarding the time after your stay at the Balgrist.
- Organising transitional care
- Support in your own home
- Consultation by ParaHelp for people with spinal paralysis
- Spitex and Rehabilitation
- Post-operative care (outpatient physiotherapy and wound management)
Discharge medication
If requested we can provide you with the medication you will need following discharge on the day you go home. Talk to your physician in charge during your stay so that he or she can organise the medication. Staff from the Balgrist Pharmacy will deliver the required medication to your room on the day of your discharge.
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Your opinion counts
Your wishes and suggestions are very important to us.