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Spinal Cord Injury Center

Holistic care for spinal cord injuries: The Spinal Cord Injury Center at Balgrist University Hospital ensures comprehensive care for people with spinal cord injuries – from treatment in the acute phase to long-term rehabilitation.

EU Horizon 2020 – NISCI-Project

People with an acute spinal cord injury should be able to regain lost bodily functions. The purpose of the NISCI-project* is to take the first steps towards treatment that will enhance functional recovery. The ongoing trial is looking at how the new antibody therapy acts on nerve function, and the general condition of the patient.
*NISCI = Nogo-A Inhibition in acute Spinal Cord Injury


Administrative office
Gabriela Schellenberg
+41 44 386 39 01

Prof. Dr. med. Dr. rer. nat. Patrick Freund
Head of Spinal Cord Injury Center
Co-Director Spine Center

Our services at a glance

Inpatient clinic

The Spinal Cord Injury Center offers the most effective medical treatment and training therapies. Despite physical restrictions, our patients achieve the best possible degree of independence so that they can create an active life for themselves.

Outpatient clinic

We treat patients with injuries of the spinal cord whatever the cause, and provide a designated medical contact person throughout their stay. Thanks to a close networking with other specialist facilities, we are able to investigate and treat even the most complex problems.


The department of neurology/neurophysiology is dedicated to nerve diseases of the spinal cord and peripheral nervous system. The team works closely with the spine surgery, neuro-urology, radiology, orthopedics, and rheumatology.


Neurourology is a young subspecialty of urology. It addresses disorders of the urinary tract and sex organs following damage to the nerve supply.

Therapies and counselling

We offer our patients a wide range of therapies in rehabilitation with the aim to restore lost functions as much as possible, or to find ways of compensating. Our researchers in robotics develop several appliances that offer great support in the treatment of patients with spinal cord injuries.

Blog (only in German)

On our blog, you will find interesting articles related to spinal cord injuries. Here you can get more details about current research projects in the Spinal Cord Injury Center as well as insights into different therapeutic concepts.

Information for referring doctors

Our focus

Multidisciplinary rehabilitation of patients with spinal cord injuries with the aim of encouraging as much independence as possible. This goal covers the planning and optimising of care outside of the hospital, as well as reintegration into working life.


Indications and range of services

The team led by Prof. Patrick Freund specialises in the following:

  • Spinal cord injury rehabilitation including early rehabilitation
  • Weaning from mechanical ventilation or stabilising invasive/non-invasive long-term supported respiration
  • Treatment of spasticity in the upper and lower limbs
  • Neuro-urological treatment of acute and complex situations, including postoperative care
  • Specialist treatment of pressure sores by an interdisciplinary team including the plastic surgeons from the Zurich University Hospital 


We offer the following medical services:

  • Electrophysiological investigations to estimate the prognosis of spinal cord injuries
  • Neuro-urological diagnosis and treatment, including cystoscopy and video urodynamics
  • Treatment of severe spasticity of the upper and lower limbs with oral therapy, injections, or a baclofen pump
  • Fibreoptic endoscopic evaluation of swallowing (FEES) in cases of neurogenic dysphagia

The benefit to your patients

Our medical services offer your patients the following advantages

  • Multidisciplinary specialist rehabilitation with the aim of returning to former conditions, as well as recovering the ability to work
  • Recovery of compensated bladder and bowel functions
  • Functional recovery and pain relief through targeted treatment of spasticity
  • Appropriate diagnostic investigation and treatment recommendations for disorders of swallowing