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Balgrist University Hospital and Männedorf Hospital have founded the ‘Balgrist Orthopaedics and Traumatology Clinic - Männedorf Hospital’, which they will operate jointly from 7 October 2024. The cooperation combines the strengths of the two hospitals: excellent basic care at Männedorf Hospital coupled with the highly specialised expertise in musculoskeletal medicine at Balgrist University Hospital.

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Balgrist University Hospital will be the Lead Medical Partner of Weltklasse Zürich on September 3 and 4 at Zurich Main Station and on September 5 at Letzigrund.

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Together with the University of Zurich and international research partners, Balgrist University Hospital has successfully completed the FAROS project. The aim of the research was to develop surgical robots with senses similar to humans that can autonomously perform complex surgical tasks. An initial prototype has shown great promise.

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Study has the potential to change clinical practice.

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Balgrist University Hospital (UKB), together with the EndoSpine Academy, is promoting the worldwide establishment of keyhole surgery for spinal treatments. The aim is to replace invasive operations and thus reduce healthcare costs. Nine top international surgeons are currently meeting in Zurich for the founding of the EndoSpine Academy.

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The Swiss Balgrist Association is pleased to announce that Jürg Stahl was elected to the Board of Directors by the Association's General Assembly on May 27. He succeeds Fritz Fahrni, who stepped down in 2023.

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Balgrist University Hospital closed 2023 without a loss. This is not a matter of course in an environment that is increasingly creating headwinds for clinics and hospitals. Rising costs and outpatient services that still do not cover costs and are increasingly replacing inpatient treatment: This mix brings with it major challenges.

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World class together. This is the motto of the new, multi-year partnership between Weltklasse Zürich and Balgrist University Hospital.

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The novel photon counting method in computed tomography enables better imaging of bone healing after orthopedic surgery. Image distortions from metal implants can now be significantly reduced by the use of a tin filter and monoenergetically reconstructed image data, a recent study has shown. The research was recently published in the renowned journal "Investigative Radiology".

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Universitätsklinik Balgrist
Forchstrasse 340
8008 Zürich

+41 44 386 14 15

News archive


During shoulder joint surgery, acne bacteria can enter the surgical field and cause devastating infections of the shoulder joint. Applying a commercial acne cream to the shoulder area before the operation can prevent this. This was the finding of a study conducted in Balgrist University Hospital, which has been awarded three prestigious prizes.

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Balgrist University Hospital is opening the Ingenuity Lab for innovation in medical materials and technologies with a focus on orthopedic soft tissue research.

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Balgrist University Hospital has opened OR-X (Operating Room X), its new surgical research and teaching center. In attendance at the opening were guests from the world of politics, healthcare, industry and medicine.

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The OR-X translational research center has reached its next milestone: after only 15 months of construction, the infrastructure is ready for test operations. It has been handed over by the project management team to the users at Balgrist University Hospital.

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Obligation to wear masks in case of cold symptoms

We ask all persons with cold symptoms to protect others from infection. Thank you for wearing a hygiene mask throughout the hospital.

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Balgrist University Hospital and the AO Foundation are entering into a collaboration to create synergies in the areas of research, innovation, and education.

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Founded in 2017, the University Spine Center Zurich has been certified a "Surgical Spine Center of Excellence" by the spine society EuroSpine.

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The Swiss Innovation Agency (Innosuisse) is supporting the PROFICIENCY project with 6 million Swiss francs. The project constitutes a paradigm shift in education and training for surgeons. Innovative, simulator-supported practical training will replace advanced training in the operating room.

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From May 9 to 13, the FAROS Integration Week took place at Balgrist.

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Construction work starts today on the OR-X, the new Translational Center for Surgery at Balgrist University Hospital. The test phase for the OR-X will be launched in the first quarter of 2023.

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Thanks to a cutting-edge new surgical technique, a patient with Dropped head syndrome was successfully treated without the necessity of me-tallic implants and fusion. The surgical technique was developed at the University Spine Center Zurich.

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A team at Balgrist University Hospital successfully completed the first holographically navigated spine surgery.

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The IRP Schellenberg Research Prize 2020 is awarded to Professors Patrick Freund, Balgrist University Hospital, Switzerland, and Jonas Frisén, Karolinska Institute, Sweden. The award ceremony will take place on October 1st, 2020 in Basel.

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An interdisciplinary team is laying the foundations for a pioneering study with holographically navigated spine surgery.

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A study with junior ski athletes has found that more than half of the junior skiers have "distal femoral cortical irregularity" (DFCI).

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Die Universitätsklinik Balgrist hat Prof. Dr. med. Armin Curt, Chefarzt und Direktor Zentrum für Paraplegie, zum Stv. Medizinischen Spitaldirektor befördert.

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Die Universitätsklinik Balgrist hat zwei neue Stv. Direktoren Orthopädie: PD Dr. med. Patrick Zingg (Klinik) und Prof. Jess Snedeker (Forschung).

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Andreas Schweizer tritt die Nachfolge von Ladislav Nagy an und wird neuer Chefarzt der Handchirurgie.

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Masken und Brillen zum Schutz vor dem neuen Coronavirus sind weltweit Mangelware. Das Forscherteam ROCS entwickelt zusammen mit dem Balgrist Campus und Balgrist Tec eine Art «face shield» für das Spitalpersonal.

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Die Universitätsklinik Balgrist kann ihre Intensivstation und den Aufwachraum früher als geplant eröffnen und schafft so zusätzliche IPS-Kapazitäten.

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In view of the current position regarding the coronavirus, Balgrist University Hospital is offering virtual consultations as a supplementary service for outpatients.

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Die Universität Zürich hat Prof. Dr. Philipp Fürnstahl per 1. Februar 2020 zum Professor für «Orthopädische Forschung mit Schwerpunkt Computer Science» ernannt.

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A new therapy with antibodies gives reason for hope for patients with acute spinal cord injury.

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Balgrist University Hospital and Balgrist Campus complete their HSM2 project very successfully.

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