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Nerve- and Muscle Ultrasound Teaching Course

We welcome all medical professionals interested in nerve ultrasound to participate at this course. You will find a valued exchange with ultrasound experts from different fields such as neurology, anesthesiology, radiology, rheumatology, neuro- and hand surgery. Emphasis is set on practical teaching lessons with hands-on workshops examining normal anatomy on models and pathological findings on invited patients.

In order to keep it as much instructive and interactive as possible, on-site places are restricted. As a novum, we outsourced the live streaming of the whole teaching course to the professional video and live streaming company yoveo, which makes the on-line participation also a very attractive option. There, we will again offer several interactive "ask the experts" sessions for the on-line participants during the on-site hands-on sessions.


Course language

Balgrist University Hospital, Auditorium and seminar rooms
Forchstrasse 340, 8008 Zurich, Switzerland

Dr. med Anne-Kathrin Peyer Kauffmann
Dr. med. David Lorenzana
Prof. Urs Eichenberger
Claudia Gasser-Fideeler, Chief Secretary
Department of Anaesthesia, Balgrist University Hospital


  • Dr. med Anne-Kathrin Peyer Kauffmann, neurolgist, Privat Practice in Liestal and University Hospital Basel, Switzerland
  • Dr. med. David Lorenzana, anaesthesiologist, Head of Pain Medicine Department of Anaesthesia, Balgrist University Hospital, Switzerland
  • Prof. Urs Eichenberger, anaesthesiologist, Head of Department of Anaesthesia, Intensive Care and Pain Medicine, Balgrist University Hospital, Switzerland
  • Prof. Alexander Grimm, neurologist, University of Tübingen, Germany
  • Prof. Einar Wilder-Smith, neurologist, Kantonsspital Lucerne, Switzerland
  • Dr. med. Andras Schiller, neurologist, Privat Practice in Zürich, Switzerland
  • PD Dr. med. Maria Teresa Pedro, neurosurgeon, University of Ulm, Günzburg, Germany
  • Dr. med. Hannes Platzgummer, radiologist, University of Vienna, Austria
  • Dr. med. Zsuzsanna Arányi, neurologist, Semmelweis University of Budapest, Hungary
  • Dr. med. Christian Marx, rheumatologist, Privat Practice in Uster, Switzerland
  • PD Dr. med. Florian Hatz, neurologist, University Hospital Basel, Switzerland
  • Dr. med. Katrin Meyer, anaesthesiologist, Kantonsspital Lucerne, Switzerland
  • Dr. med. Stephan Mittas, neurologist, Kantonsspital Lucerne, Switzerland
  • PD Dr. med. Paolo Ripellino, neurologist, Ospedale Civico Lugano, Switzerland
  • KD Dr. med. Giorgio Tamborrini, rheumatologist, Privat Practice in Basel and University Hospital Basel, Switzerland
  • Prof. Dr. med. Esther Vögelin, handsurgeon, Inselspital Bern, Switzerland

Claudia Gasser