Prof. Dr. med.
Florian Brunner, PhD
Head Physician Physical Medicine and Rheumatology
German, English, French
Academic position
Honors and awards
Academic career
Continuing professional development
Scientific projects
Academic position
Titular professor, Venia legendi post-doctorate university teaching qualification awarded by the University of Zurich
Manual medicine
Spine conditions
Complex regional pain syndrome (Sudeck's atrophy)
Honors and awards
- 2005: Werner M. Wolf Swiss Bechterew Foundation Research Prize
- 2003: Educational Grant, European League Against Rheumatism (EULAR)
- 2002: Swiss Physiotherapy Association Research Prize (1st Class)
- 1997: Swiss Society for Traumatology and Insurance Medicine, Winterthur (Poster prize, 3rd Class)
Academic career
- 2020: Appointment as titular professor of the Medical Faculty of the University of Zurich
- 2012: Venia legendi post-doctorate university teaching qualification awarded by the University of Zurich
- 2010: Dr phil. (PhD), Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, University of Maastricht (Prof M. van Kleef)
- 2006: Independent scientific employee, Horten Centre at the University of Zurich
- 2004: Teaching at the Medical Faculty of the University of Zurich
- 1996: American state examination (USMLE)
- 1995: Medical Faculty, University of Zurich
- 1995: Dissertation, Medical Faculty, University of Zurich
Continuing professional development
- 2009: Degree in Osteopathy Medicine (DOM)
- 2009: Certified Medical Expert, Swiss Insurance Medicine (SIM)
- 2000: Certificate of Skill in Manual Medicine (SAMM)
- 2012: Chief Consultant, Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Balgrist University Hospital
- 2004: Consultant, Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Balgrist University Hospita
- 2004: Medical Specialist for Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation FMH
- 2004: European Board of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
- 2003: Occupational and Industrial Orthopaedic Center, Hospital for Joint Diseases Orthopaedic Institute, Program of Ergonomics and Biomechanics, New York University
- 2002: Paraplegic Centre, Balgrist University Hospital
- 2000: Physical Medicine and Rheumatology, Balgrist University Hospital
- 1999: Internal Medicine, Männedorf District Hospital
- 1998: Orthopaedics, Balgrist University Hospital
- 1996: General Surgery, Traumatology, Cantonal Hospital of Winterthur
- Swiss Medical Federation (FMH)
- Swiss Medical Society for Manual Medicine (SAMM)
- Swiss Medical Society for Osteopathy Medicine (SAGOM)
- Swiss Society for Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (SGPMR)
- Swiss Society of Rheumatology (SGR)
Disclosure of outside professional activities and interests
- University of Zurich: Teaching activities
- Swiss Insurance Medicine: Lecturing
Scientific projects
- Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (Sudeck’s Disease)
We will be happy to make an appointment with you (a doctor's referral is mandatory).
Prof. Dr. med. F. Brunner, PhD
KD Dr. med. C. Gorbach
+41 44 386 35 08
Dr. med. C. Rörig
Dr. N. Ortega
Dr. med. S. Koch-Hoffmann
+41 44 386 35 08