Prof. Dr. med.
Petra Schweinhardt, PhD
Head of Chiropractic Medicine
German, English, French
Honors and awards
- 2013-2016 Canada Research Chair (CRC) Tier II “The Neurobiology of Chronic Pain”
- 2010-2014 Salary Award (Bourse de chercheur-boursier “Junior 1”) – Fonds de la recherche en santé Quebec
- 2010 Early Career Award Canadian Pain Society
- 2009 International Association for the Study of Pain Early Career Award
- 2019 - 2021 EUR 56'934 European Center for Chiropractic Research Excellence: Phenotyping low back pain - a prospective observational pilot study
- 2019 - 2021 CHF 200 000 Zurich University – Clinical Research Priority Program: Pain – from phenotypes to mechanisms
- 2019 EUR 56'934 EuroSpine Task force: Back Pain Phenotypes and Relation to Outcome
- 2019 - 2023 CHF 632'000 Funding agency: SNF Role: PI The influence of danger signals on nociceptive processing: from healthy subjects to chronic pain patients
- 2018 CHF 3´400 Funding agency: SNF Role: Co-Investigator Spine Tango Conservative - Workshop
- 2017 - 2018 EUR 200´000 Funding agency: PRODEX (Foundation of the European Space Agency) Role: Co-Investigator The effect of changing gravity on spinal stiffness
- 2016 - 2017 CAD 40'000 Funding agency: FRQ-S Network for Oral and Bone Health Research Role: Co-Investigator Transition from acute to chronic painful temporomandibular disorders: a prospective cohort study
- 2008 - 2016 USD 2.8 million As an independent investigator at McGill, in the form of operating funds, infrastructure awards, and salary support
Scientific projects
- Sensitization along the neuraxis and its potential to explain clinical back pain phenotypes
- The role of danger and safety signals in sensitizing the pain processing system
- The influence of pain chronicity on outcome
- Localized vs. widespread pain and hypersensitivity and implications for outcome
Other activities
Talks and Media
- Schmerzkategorien – nozizeptiv – neuropathisch – noziplastisch. Update Schmerzmedizin für die Praxis; Swiss Paraplegic Center, Nottwil, Switzerland
- Interactions between pain and reward. Inaugural Meeting of the SGSS SIG CANoP, Fribourg, Switzerland
- Pain sensitization and the contribution of supraspinal factors. Center for Mind, Brain and Behavior, University of Marburg, Marburg, Germany,
- Interactions between pain and reward. Research colloquium Institute of Systems Neuroscience, University of Hamburg, Hamburg Germany
- The interaction between pain and reward from the human perspective. Symposium, World Congress on Pain, Boston, USA
- Psychosocial factors play an important role in chronic pain – but which role exactly? Pain Mechanisms and Therapeutics Conference, Taormina, Sicily
- How much pain reduction matters for neck pain patients undergoing chiropractic treatment? European Chiropractor Union Conference, Budapest, Hungary
- Basic pain mechanisms – generalized hypersensitivity and spatial pain extent as proxies for central sensitization. European Chiropractor Union Conference, Budapest, Hungary
- Structural changes in the brain in chronic back pain patients. 8th NEUROspine meeting Bern, Switzerland
- Special Guest Lecture – Supraspinal pain modulation. 5th Annual General Meeting and Conference of The Royal College of Chiropractors, London, England
- Pain from the human perspective. International Fall Meeting of the German Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Bochum, Germany
- Multivariate Decoding of Sensorimotor Brain Activity during Lumbar Pressure Stimulation accurately identifies chronic low back pain. European Chiropractor Convention, Cyprus May
- The role of the medial prefrontal cortex in pain – the human perspective. Symposium The medial prefrontal cortex and pain. Annual Meeting of the American Pain Society, Pittsburgh
- Supraspinal Pain Processing and Modulation. Schmerzkaleidoskop. CE activity Dentistry.St Moritz
- Multivariate decoding of sensorimotor brain activity during lumbar pressure stimulation accurately identifies chronic low back pain patients. European Chiropractic Union Convention, Cyprus
- Chronic pain from the perspective of the brain. Colloque de Formation, Lausanne
- Refresher course "Brain circuits in acute and chronic pain". 16th World Congress of Pain, Yokohama, Japan
- Basic science of acute and chronic pain. Post-graduate course ‘Current knowledge in the diagnosis, epidemiology, biomarkers and management of orofacial pain’, Montreal, Canada.
- Grey matter alterations in chronic pain – where do we stand? Keynote lecture at the 36th Annual Meeting of the Australian Pain Society, Pert, Australia.
- Pain and the reward circuitry: Interactions in acute and chronic pain. Keynote lecture at the 36th Annual Meeting of the Australian Pain Society, Pert, Australia.
- Behavioral and neurophysiological interactions between pain and reward. Linkoeping University, Sweden.
- Behavioral and neurophysiological interactions between pain and reward. Mini-symposium Zurich University, Switzerland.
- Is a responsive default mode network required for successful working memory task performance? Research Seminar, University of Montreal.
- Tagesanzeiger - On our study on increasing placebo effects.
- Wie Schmerz entsteht (‘Pain generation‘). FachMedetage 04/15, symposium for lawyers, Zurich, Switzerland.
- Musculoskeletal Pain: Translating basic models and mechanisms. Symposium at the 34th Annual Scientific Meeting of the American Pain Society, Palm Springs, U.S.A.
- Interactions between pain and reward - behavioral and neurophysiological findings. Pain Seminar Series Center for Pain Research and Innovation, School of Dentistry, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill.
- Imaging pain processing in the brain – the case of the interaction between pain and reward. Key note speaker Pain Day, University of Bochum.
- Pain and Motivation. Neurobiology of Pain and Itch meeting, San Francisco, U.S.A.
- Featured in the National ME/CFS Action Network newsletter
- Imaging pain in health and disease. University of Minnesota.
- The Clinical Management of Acute and Chronic Pain – Basic Science. McGill Faculty of Dentistry, Continued Education Program.
- Chronic pain. Université de Montreal, Faculty of Dentistry Retreat.
- Imaging pain and reward systems. CIHR Teambuilding workshop on Orofacial Pain, Dorval, Quebec, Canada.
- Neurophysiological and neurochemical underpinnings of the interaction between pain and reward. Pharmacology and Toxicology Seminar, University of Zuerich, Switzerland.
- Supraspinal pain processing and modulation. 1er Curso de Dolor Crónico de la Facultad de Ciencias Biomédicas, Buenos Aires, Argentina (web-based lecture).
- The pain-reward connection: evidence form human volunteers. Canadian Pain Society Annual Conference, Winnipeg, Canada
- Pain-reward interactions in human volunteers. 46th Annual Winter Conference on Brain Research, Breckensridge, U.S.A.
- Spying on the brain – cerebral brain alterations in chronic pain. Pain lecture series of the Center for Pain Research at Pittsburgh University, U.S.A.
- Functional and structural MRI techniques for the investigation of pain. Refresher course, 14th World Congress of Pain, Milan, Italy
- Brain alterations in patients with chronic pain. 1st OMFS Research Day, McGill University
- Annals of Neurology - on the state of imaging in regard to its role in helping understand/diagnose pain.
- The changing image of pain. J. Earl Wynands Royal College Keynote lecture, 53rd Annual McGill Anesthesia Update
We would be happy to arrange an appointment with you.
Outpatient chiropractic clinic
+41 44 386 57 06