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We look forward to your feedback.

Adrian Philipp Marty
Dr. med., MME

Adrian Philipp Marty

Teamleiter Lehre Anästhesiologie
Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch


Medical Education

Honors and awards

  • 2023 SIK-Innovationspreis: preparedEPA Assessmentsystem
  • 2022 SIWF-Award für besonderes Engagement in der Weiterbildung
  • 2020 SIWF-Team-Award für besonderes Engagement in der Weiterbildung (IFA USZ)
  • 2019 Q-Award-USZ: preparedEPA Assessmentsystem
  • 2016 SIWF-Award für besonderes Engagement in der Weiterbildung

Academic career

  • 2005 Promotion Dr. med.

University degree

  • 2017 Master of Medical Education, Universität Bern


  • 1997–2004 Humanmedizin, Universität Zürich

Continuing professional development

  • 2014–2017 Master of Medical Education, Universität Bern

Professional career

  • Seit Dezember 2022 Teamleiter Lehre, Anästhesiologie, Universitätsklinik Balgrist, Zürich
  • 2020–2022 Oberarzt meV Anästhesiologie, USZ, Zürich
  • 2018–2020 Oberarzt Anästhesiologie, USZ, Zürich
  • 2017 Clinical Instructor, Department of Anesthesia, Perioperative and Pain Medicine, Stanford School of Medicine, Stanford, CA, USA
  • 2012–2016 Oberarzt Anästhesiologie, USZ, Zürich


  • 2005–2012 Assistenzarzt
    • 12 Monate Anästhesiologie, USZ
    • 6 Monate Anästhesiologie, Universitätsklinik Balgrist, Zürich
    • 24 Monate Chirurgie, Spital Bülach
    • 12 Monate Anästhesiologie, Triemli Zürich
    • 6 Monate Intensivmedizin, Triemli Zürich
    • 31 Monate Anästhesiologie, USZ (inkl. Herzanästhesie, Rega, SRZ)

Teaching posts

  • ETH, Bachelor Medizin
  • UZH, Medizinische Fakultät

Degrees / Diplomas

  • Dr. med.
  • MME


  • 2017 Advanced Training in Medical Education Position and Clinical Instructor, Department of Anesthesia, Perioperative and Pain Medicine, Stanford School of Medicine, Stanford, CA, USA

Grants and stipends

  • 2019 Projektunterstützung SIWF
  • 2018 Kompetitiver Lehrkredit, UZH
  • 2017 Stipendium USZ für Aufenthalt in Stanford, CA, USA


  • AMEE

Scientific projects

  • Competency-based Medical Education (CBME)
  • Mobile-Technology in Medical Education

Other activities

  • ICBME Collaborator
  • Mitglied des SIWF EPA-Komitees
  • Mitglied Weiterbildungskommission SSAPM
  • Mitglied Prüfungskommission SSAPM

Reviewer and editorial board activities

  • BMC Medical Education
  • BJA



Books and chapters

  • Buchkapitel: «Entwicklung von Simulationsszenarien». Grande B, Schick C, Scherrer A, Heckel H, Nef A, Marty A und Kolbe M in Pierre MS & Breuer G. (2013). Simulation in der Medizin. Springer Berlin Heidelberg.


We would be happy to arrange an appointment with you.

Claudia Gasser
+41 44 386 38 32
+41 44 386 38 39


Prof Dr Urs Eichenberger and his team use the latest anesthetic techniques for patients of all ages, including children, to provide optimal conditions for smooth and pain-free surgery, as well as recovery from the operation with no complications and minimal pain. Once patients have left the operating theatre, the team continues their care in the recovery room, on the intensive care unit, on the ward, and in subsequent anesthetic and pain clinics.

To the department