Christina Sydler
Technical Orthopaedics
2020 Specialist title FMH for orthopedic surgery and traumatology of the musculoskeletal system
2016 Doctorate Medical Faculty University of Zurich
2012 State Examination in Human Medicine, University of Zurich
2005–2012 Studies of Human Medicine, University of Zurich
University degree
- 2012 University of Zurich
- 2005–2012 Studies of Human Medicine, University of Zurich
2019–2022 Consultant for Foot Surgery and Traumatology, Interlaken Hospital (Dr. med. J. Spycher)
2017–2019 Resident in Orthopedics and Traumatology, Winterthur Cantonal Hospital (PD Dr. med. P. Koch)
2016–2017 Resident in pediatric orthopedics, Children's Hospital Zurich (Dr. med. Ch. Aufdenblatten)
2015–2016 Resident in Orthopedics, Balgrist University Hospital (Prof. Dr. med. Ch. Gerber)
2014–2015 Resident in Orthopedics and Traumatology, Interlaken Hospital (Dr. med. J. Spycher)
2013 Resident in Surgery, Interlaken Hospital (Dr. med. A. Kohler)
Technical Orthopedics
We are happy to arrange appointments for Tuesday, Thursday morning and Friday.
We are happy to arrange appointments for Friday.
You can reach us as follows:
Monday to Friday
8 am to 12 noon
1 pm to 5 pm