Dr. med.
Dominique Holy
Deputy Senior Consultant Internal Medicine
German, English, French
Academic career
University degree
Continuing professional development
Professional career
Academic career
Positions held as Specialty Trainee
- 01.01.2001 - 30.06.2001 Cardiovascular Surgery Intensive Care Unit (Prof. E. Schmid)
- 01.04.2000 - 31.10.2000 Trauma Surgery Intensive Care Unit, Zurich University Hospital (Prof. R. Stocker)
- 01.10.1999 - 31.03.2000 General Surgery Intensive Care Unit, Zurich University Hospital (Prof. R. Stocker)
- 01.10.1992 - 30.09.1994 General Internal Medicine at the University Hospital
6 months Intensive Care Medicine (Dr P.C. Baumann, Assistant Professor)
3 months Nephrology (Prof. Binswanger)
3 months Assessment Unit (Prof. H. Blum)
Remaining time on the wards (Prof. F. Follath) - 01.10.1990 - 30.09.1992 General Internal Medicine at the Limmattal Hospital (Prof. H.J. Kistler) and Triemli (Dr M. Landolt)
- 01.08.1989 - 31.08.1990 General Internal Medicine at the Triemli City Hospital (Prof. U.P. Hämmerli)
- 01.05.1988 - 30.06.1989 Surgery at the City Hospital
- 01.04.1987 - 31.03.1988 Institute of Pathology, Zurich University Hospital (Prof. Ph.U. Heitz)
REGA Doctor
- 01.11.1997 - 31.05.1999, Repatriation flights from abroad, based at Zurich Airport, Kloten (Senior Consultant: Dr C. Höfliger)
Positions held as Consultant
- Since 01.04.2017 Balgrist University Hospital
- 01.09.2009 - 31.1.2017 Zollikerberg Hospital (Prof. L. Heuss)
Practice Locum
- 01.02.2017 - 31.03.2017 Locum for Dr B. Stark, Küsnacht
University degree
- 1980 Matura [matriculation for university entrance] Type B
- Autumn 1986 State final examinations
- 1980 - 1986 Studied Medicine at the University of Zurich
Continuing professional development
- 2017 Level B2 competence in Palliative Medicine, St Gallen Cantonal Hospital (2017, certificate to be issued)
- 2014 Certificate of Competence in upper gastrointestinal endoscopy
- 2002 Specialist in Intensive Care Medicine (FMH)
- 1994 Specialist in General Internal Medicine (FMH)
- 1987 Defended dissertation at the University of Zurich, entitled Der Einfluss von Amphetaminen auf den circadianen Disksheddding- und Autophagierhythmus der Rattennetzhaut [The effects of amphetamines on the circadian rhythm of disk shedding and autophagy in the rat retina] under the supervision of Prof. C. Remé, Department of Ophthalmology, Zurich University Hospital
Professional career
Professional activity since 1987
- Specialist in General Internal Medicine and Intensive Care Medicine (FMH)
- Certificate of Competence in upper gastrointestinal endoscopy
- Palliative Medicine, Level B2
- Schweiz.Med.Wochenschr. 1994; 124:1848 - 1851 Langzeitbeobachtung einer Patientin mit akzidenteller Phosphor-32 Ueberdosierung Holy D, Caduff B, Kistler H. J
- Schweiz.Med.Wochenschr. 1998; 128:906-8 Paraneoplatische zerebelläre Degeneration (PCD) mit anti-Yo Antikörpern bei Ovarailkarzinom Holzmann P, Holy D, Stillhard G., Janda M, Möhr P
- Schweiz.Med.Wochenschr 2000 Injection de rappel Stude P, Holy D, Krayatem A
If you have any questions, Tamara Steiner is on hand to help you.
General internal medicine and medical services
If any medical conditions exist before major surgery, our patients can count on assessment and care from Dr Jan Burkhard and his team. The department also ensures postoperative medical care on the wards.